I like to look out for the man in my life and keep him smelling fresh and feeling comfortable. Since Ray is not the type of guy to splash on cologne every single day, it’s fun to slip a new body wash or deodorant into the mix. Gotta keep it interesting! Adidas has a few men’s grooming products to keep the man in your life clean, dry and fresh: Adidas Dynamic Pulse Hair & Body Wash, 24H Deodorant, and Deo Body Spray.
Adidas Dynamic Pulse has a peppermint scent that is sure to keep him alert. The Hair & Body Wash and 24H Deodorant both have cool grip packaging. I think the fresh scent is perfect for Summer. The Deo Body Spray scent is a much too strong for my liking, but I know the young kids go crazy for these body sprays.
The best thing about Adidas Dynamic Pulse is that the collection is accessible at Walmart, each retails for around $3.47 each. You have to love those prices!
Product purchased by me, all opinions expressed are my own.
Will you be looking for Adidas Dynamic Pulse for any of the men in your life?