Women everywhere have discovered the age defying benefits of apple stem cell extract. They have described experiencing immediate results with the first application – glowy skin that feels refreshed and soft. Ageless Derma Stem Cell and Peptide Anti-Wrinkle Cream uses plant stem cells to initiate rejuvenation of skin. As we age, our skin is left with diminished capacities to regenerate and repair but Ageless Derma supplies skin with the nutrients and vital plant stem cells that it requires.
Ageless Derma uses stem cell extract because it has been proven in laboratory studies to stimulate growth in cultures of aged human epidermal stem cells. Comprehensive studies have demonstrated that plant stem cells delay the aging process.
These positive effects were further confirmed in a study of women from ages 37 to 64 who used a stem cell extract enhanced cream. After only a month of twice daily application, 100% of the participants demonstrated measurably reduced wrinkle depth. The long-term healing properties of the stem cell extract become more apparent with regular use and women speak of continued firmer and softer skin improvement over time.
Mibelle Laboratories of Switzerland developed a Swiss apple stem cell extract called PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica for use in topical applications. This amazing scientific advancement has made stem cells available for use in skincare products for the first time. Ageless Derma makes this award winning extract available to you in the Ageless Derma Peptide and Anti-Wrinkle Cream.
Celebrities of all ages depend upon PhytoCellTec to maintain their flawless complexions. Stars who live in the spotlight need to know that their skincare routine will perform with show-stopping results. Their loyalty to Mibelle’s revolutionary swiss apple stem cell extract is a powerful testament to the effectiveness of PhytoCellTec.
The other wrinkle-reducing peptides and anti-oxidants in the Ageless Derma Peptide and Anti-Wrinkle Cream all help to reduce the depth of wrinkles, improve skin tone, stimulate collagen, and retain moisture. Change the way you look and feel with Ageless Derma!
Purchase Ageless Derma Peptide and Anti-Wrinkle Cream at AgelessDerma.com
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