I confirmed and announced the Broadway imPRESS giveaway winner on Facebook but also wanted to post it here. Congratulations to Tara B.!! A big thank you to all who entered and I hope you will continue to follow My Highest Self.

image credit: Amazon.com
This morning, I finally secured my very own Kindle Fire! I immediately went home and began setting it up and quickly got very discouraged when trying to connect to wi-fi. I realized while at the store that I actually have no idea how wi-fi works! As much as I love computers, I really don’t get into the technical aspect too much. However, I am phenomenal at researching so I went to town Google searching to figure this thing out. After a couple of tries, I found what I needed to do and can confirm that my Kindle Fire is up and running. Woo hoo! A big thanks to my sweetheart, Ray, for always spoiling me! I am so looking forward to investigating all that it can do. I just downloaded the WordPress app so I can even blog from this thing.
Anyway, that was my morning/afternoon adventure. What are you up to today? Did you watch the Grammys last night? I sure did! My favorite look of the night was Rihanna, hands down. There were a lot of awesome performances in every genre. My favorite has to be the David Guetta/Chris Brown performance towards the end, it made me want to run around the house and DANCE! What were your favorites?