Most recently, I’ve been wearing one of Avon’s* latest fragrances, Step Into Sexy. Housed in a curvy, ombre-colored bottle this is a fragrance made up of florals and golden amber. I would describe it as a warmer fragrance, if that makes sense. I like the top notes of Step Into Sexy, as well as the fragrance as it changes throughout the day. I don’t know about you but sometimes I really like a scent when I first put it on and then once the other notes come through my opinion changes. It’s not a too-sweet floral at all (those do not do well with me) and no hint of any undesirable fragrances (like alcohol).
Something interesting I noticed while perusing one of my magazines, the bottle reminded me a lot of Lancome’s Tresor Midnight Rose. I pulled the fragrance sample from my magazine and compared the two. The fragrance notes in Midnight Rose include raspberry, jasmine, and vanilla. While none of the same fragrance notes are listed for Step Into Sexy, I found it to be an equally alluring alternative to Midnight Rose.
- photo credit:
By no means are they the same fragrance but (in my opinion) if you like Midnight Rose, you might like Step Into Sexy. This fragrance from Avon could be an inexpensive option for you since Midnight Rose is $56.00 for 1.7 oz and Step Into Sexy is $28.oo! You can purchase this at or from your local Avon representative.
Do you have any good alternatives to pricey fragrances that I should know about? I’d love to hear from you, leave me a comment!
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