With my kids in Kindergarten and First Grade this year, each day after school is spent doing homework to better their understanding of what they are learning. Both kids do enjoy school but sometimes it helps to have fun games that incorporate learning as well. Our school even has the students using computers in school on certain days. It still amazes me to see small children using computers! We had the chance to try PowerMyLearning a FREE website with educational games for students K- 12.
The site is easy to use, just sign up with a few clicks. PowerMyLearning is a fun way to learn using things my kids love like trains for Ollie and fashion for Ruby! You can search by core subjects like math and reading or sort games by grade level. I love this feature since I would only be interested in the kindergarten or first grade level at this time.
Ollie loves online games right now and he enjoyed a few of the math games like Monkey Jump! We also played the Seahorse game which teaches phonics and used many of word families that Ollie is learning in school right now.
PowerMyLearning has been a great online tool for learning at home and a nice break from pencil and paper homework for us! I am actually going to mention this site to our school so maybe they can try it out for computer time during school hours.
This post is brought to you by PowerMyLearning.
Do you use online games to help your child learn? Will you try PowerMyLearning with your kids?